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Sermons by Rick Maude (Page 15)

Psalm 32 – The Hiding Place

(show picture) How does your guilt affect you? “guilt before God” the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives was to convict us of our sin and the guilt before God Romans 7:7-10. What shall we say, then? Is the law sinful? Certainly not! Nevertheless, I would not have known what sin was had it not been for the law. For…

Psalm 31 – A Cry For Deliverance

… when your life is filled with oppression … when you are fearful of your future? Is it OK to bring God our real heart problems? “Does our reality touch God’s reality?” An intro to Psalms … a book of praises. … the human voice as people cry out to God. … God’s word to us … each of the Psalms is…

Philippians 1:27-2:11 – One In Christ

What is it that shapes your identity? How are we to live? Phil 1:27, “a life worthy of gospel” “behave as citizens worthy of the gospel of Christ” … godly behaviour is a reflection of our citizenship in Christ We should strive together… as one… for the faith of the gospel. verse 28 … this will result in opposition. verse 29 ……

Revelation 21-22 – Our New Home

What do you imagine heaven to be like? What heaven is like 1) There are new things and the former things have passed away ‘new heavens and a new earth’ … a bride who is a city dressed beautifully for her husband … God is now dwelling with humanity … no more death…or mourning …or crying .. or pain. … water without…

Revelation 17-20 – The Fall of Babylon

Notice: Unfortunately the bible reading was not recorded “What’s the take on Revelation today?”. The end of “Rome” Chapter 17 … the end of Babylon But is Rev 17 only speaking to us about Rome? …what is going to happen to all human cities of power when God calls everything to its final conclusion. Babylon … symbolic of human rebellion against God.…