From last week… All that we have belongs to God Everything that belongs to God should be used with regard for him “Give me neither poverty nor riches” (Prov 30:8) How do we respond to the gap between the wealthy and the poor? How do we respond as those who are (by and large) not poor? Is wealth bad? In the OT…
Our Problems With Work … it seems fruitless? … or pointless Question from last week What is the difference between work and leisure? 1. Work can be fruitless Gen 3:17, God affirms Adam’s need to work the ground. But … he will also reap thorns and thistles. Romans 8:22 … all creation groans Living with the thorns and thistles (show picture)…
Warns God’s people not to drift away from Jesus … who Jesus is and what he has done Heb 12:29 “Our God is a consuming fire” 5 Commands 1) Keep loving each other as brothers and sisters Question for discussion: What are way we can show love to each other? 2) Show Hospitality Question: Are we showing hospitality both to those…