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Romans: The Overflow of Grace


Your doctrine must lead to your doxology What is doctrine? Doctrine is what you believe about your god The outcome when doctrines are in conflict What is doxology? Doxology is the act of reflecting on the god you believe in Paul’s doxology Paul’s praises 1. God’s mystery v33-34 Deut 29:29a – “The secret things belong to the Lord our God,” 2. God’s…

God Is More Gracious Than We Think

Last week: God in his sovereign rule elects those who will receive his promises Is God’s sovereign election of some unfair? If God elects some then why does God still blame us? Is God Unjust? (v14-18) “You must be joking” None of us deserve to be saved. But God in his mercy chooses to save. The example of  Pharaoh Then why does…

God Makes Christians

Seconds from Disaster Has God’s word failed? Romans 9:6. … not all who are descended from Israel are Israel. Verse 8, “in other words, it is not the natural children who are God’s children, but it is children of the promise who are regarded as Abraham’s off spring”. God’s sovereign choice His sovereign right to choose who receives his mercy. only the…

The Tragedy of the Religious Unbeliever

What impact does the plight of others have on your emotions? Romans so far Romans 1 – 4 … sin … alienated from God … grace … forgiveness … eternal life. Romans 5 – 8 … what living life as God’s people looks like Romans 9 – 11 …why God’s promises in the Old Testament are still valid Romans 12 – 16…