So far in the story Jesus power and authority Jesus purpose Peter’s denial “You are not one of his disciples are you?” Jesus’ trials Jesus before Annas – The Godfather of the high priests – Jesus remains in control Jesus before Pilate – Pilate was having second thoughts – A rejection of Jesus’ offer For us today Three different responses to Jesus…
Love must be sincere The confusion of law: what is it for? The context: in view of God’s mercy (the grace he has already shown us) Sincere Love is zealous to serve (verse 11-12) The gospel imperative is to serve freely and abundantly (Mark 10:35-45, John 13:1-17, Mark 12:28-34) And a lack of service may suggest a lack of love (James 2:14-16;…
So far in John Jesus in Jerusalem The region of Galilee Jesus and his brothers John 7:2 – The feast of the tabernacles “if you want to get a huge following then you cannot do it in secret” Acts 1:14 – his brothers have become believers. Jesus’ timing His time had not yet come. Why does he go to Jerusalem in disguise?…