What Should Be A Christian Response To Refugees? A crisis… what to do with refugees? “Let everyone who wants to come to our country.” “stop people coming at all costs.” The size of the problem. In 2014 – 59.5 million forcibly displaced people worldwide – 38.2 million were IDP’s – 19.5 million were refugees – 1.8 million were asylum seekers. In 2016…
What society says about judging It’s confused Christians also sound confused What is judging? Who and What we are to Judge? 1 Corinthians 5:12 – judge the immorality of those who claim to follow Jesus Rev 2:14-15 – failed to judge and reject the false teaching and sexual immorality of those who claimed to follow God. (see also Rev 2:20-21) 1 Tim…
What the word of God says about hospitality. … “loving strangers” Hospitality in the OT … aliens and strangers in the land Good examples 1 Kings 17 … widow of Zarephath 2 King 4 – Shunammite lady and her husband Hospitality limited eg: King Solomon = Openness with boundaries Hospitality in the NT Jesus is the guest of people … Hospitality is…
Insert Monty Python skit Defining terms 1) Euthanasia = “an easy or gentle death” It is deceptive … – sometimes a long time to die – trauma caused in families – face God – Heb 10:31, “it is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” 2) Voluntary Euthanasia = when death is chosen by the sufferer. and…
Do you wish you had more money? What does God think of greed? How should we seek to live as his people in our society? What is Greed? … the DESIRE for more wealth. Greed is a heart problem. So is it only excessive Greed that is bad for us? Greed and God Luke 12:15, “watch out, be on your guard against…
What does God think about divorce? Four reasons where divorce is possible – Ex 21:9-10 – deprives her of food, clothing and conjugal rights – Deut 24:1 – adultery … “any thing” clause – twisted scripture – Matthew 19:3 – Jesus answer to this twisted scripture 1 Cor 7 1 Cor 7:10 – remain married – v 3-5 – the importance of…
Divorce… a common place event 1) A stress on rights not duties. 2) Unrealistic expectations of easy and sustained happiness 3) The emancipation of women 4) A loss of parent support 5) The wider acceptance of divorce and remarriage 6) A decline in religion and the wide rejection of what God’s word says even among those who claim to follow Jesus 7) …
What does God’s word say about singleness? Christianity is different from other world views Judaism, celibacy is to be deplored Koran encourages single people to marry Mormons explicitly reject celibacy Christianity affirms singleness Who is single? Is it OK to be single? The Old covenant Gen 2::18, It is not good for man to be alone” Jeremiah told NOT to marry (Jer…