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8:30am, 10:00am & 6:00pm


Acts 28.11-31 – Unhindered

Intro 1. And so we came to Rome (28:11-16) • Castor and Pollux • The brothers 2. Paul meets the Jewish Leaders (28:17-22) • Paul one of them 3. Paul explaining, declaring and warning (28:23-28) 4. The triumphant conclusion (28:30-31) • Preaching and teaching • Boldly and without hindrance Conclusion: Bold living

Acts 23:23-26:32 – Trial Upon Trial

What keeps you going each day? Quite the escort 1. Paul on trial before Felix – 24:1 – 25:12 a. Charges made b. Paul’s defence c. The response 2. Paul before Festus – 25:1-13 a. Charges made b. Paul’s defence c. The Response 3. Paul before Caesar Agrippa – 25:13 – 26:32 a. Charges made b. Paul’s defence and conversion story c. …

Acts 21:1-23:22 – Jerusalem Rejects Again

Good things turn sour The Spirit’s leading Acts 20:22, “and now, compelled by the Spirit, I am going to Jerusalem not knowing what will happen to me there. I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardship are facing me” Acts 21:4, “through the Spirit urged Paul not to go there” In Caesarea … the…

Acts 16:6-18:22 – A Five City Tour

1) A whirl wind tour Show map of their trip 2) What on earth is God doing? Excluded from hearing the gospel? Heading to Macedonia A five city tour Philippi, a city of Romans Thessalonica, a port city Berea, a place of nobility and enquiry Athens, a place of learning & philosophy Corinth, a capital of wickedness 3) The gospel comes to…

Acts 15:1-16:5 – Things That Go Without Saying

What about our heritage? A false gospel is preached! Jerusalem discussion –    Peter –    Paul and Barnabas –    James The way forward … the church is encouraged An ironic twist For us today. 1)    Salvation by Faith alone in Jesus alone 2)    The gospel plus = no gospel 3)    Working issues out 4)    On those who join us For your coffee discussion…