Join us on Sunday at
8:30am, 10:00am & 6:00pm


How has the word of God encouraged you? In what ways has it redirected your thinking? Last week Be a regular giver, Be a generous giver, Be deliberate in how you give Think broadly in your giving Macedonian Christians (show picture – center of map).… as much as they were able and even beyond their ability. … people who excelled in the grace…

To Tithe or Not to Tithe?

Where has the idea come from? Old Testament Pattern Gen 4 Gen 14 Gen 28 Duet 14 Proper tithing: giving ‘a tenth’ (… or is it?) New Testament… How does the law continue through Christ? Matthew 23:23 – It continues but extends Support gospel ministry (1 Cor 9) Opportunity for broad generosity (2 Cor 8-9) Some generous suggestions • Be regular •…

Wealth and Poverty

From last week… All that we have belongs to God Everything that belongs to God should be used with regard for him “Give me neither poverty nor riches” (Prov 30:8) How do we respond to the gap between the wealthy and the poor? How do we respond as those who are (by and large) not poor? Is wealth bad? In the OT…

God and Money

Does God care about money Some would say God is only concerned for spiritual things. Some think God materially rewards those who follow him. A framework for thinking about money Wealth, like everything, belongs to God (Ps 24:1) Mentally moving away from a material-spiritual way of thinking We should treat everything as though it ultimately belongs to him Using wealth differently but…

Revelation 3:1-22 – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly – Part 3

A letter to us. … what encouragement and warnings would he include? Ephesus? Smyrna? Pergamum and Thyatira? Sardis … Everyone knew how good the church at Sardis was. “But you are dead”. Rev 3:2 … their deeds remain unfinished. Not everyone in Sardis is like this. Rev 3:4 … people who have not soiled their clothes Philadelphia Philadelphia is a weak… vulnerable…

Revelation 1:9-20 – Jesus!

Keep calm and carry on (show picture) One just like them Suffering kingdom and patient endurance … because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. Some Questions i) The Lord’s day ii) In the Spirit … this is a vision he is seeing not a physical reality. Vision of Jesus Verse 13-18 … stunning vision of Jesus. … majesty…

Genesis 10-11 – Babble On

What is it that you desire? The story so far A desire for … What is wrong … Firstly … disobeying what God has told them to do. – Verse 4 … so they will not be scattered over the face of the earth. Secondly …want to make a name for themselves … without any input from God. Are you kidding! ……