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Sermons on Luke (Page 7)

Psalm 31 – A Cry For Deliverance

… when your life is filled with oppression … when you are fearful of your future? Is it OK to bring God our real heart problems? “Does our reality touch God’s reality?” An intro to Psalms … a book of praises. … the human voice as people cry out to God. … God’s word to us … each of the Psalms is…

Wealth and Poverty

From last week… All that we have belongs to God Everything that belongs to God should be used with regard for him “Give me neither poverty nor riches” (Prov 30:8) How do we respond to the gap between the wealthy and the poor? How do we respond as those who are (by and large) not poor? Is wealth bad? In the OT…

God and Money

Does God care about money Some would say God is only concerned for spiritual things. Some think God materially rewards those who follow him. A framework for thinking about money Wealth, like everything, belongs to God (Ps 24:1) Mentally moving away from a material-spiritual way of thinking We should treat everything as though it ultimately belongs to him Using wealth differently but…

Are The Gospel Writers Reliable?

1. Were the gospels we have written down close the events? Firstly, the bible does not describe or mention the actual destruction of the temple – predicted in the book of Matthew (24:1-3) Secondly, the gospels or any of the NT books do not include any comment on or mention the three-year siege of Jerusalem Thirdly …the book of Acts does not…

Amos 5:1-17 – Tragic Truth

Tragic Truth – Amos 5:1-17 Deep sadness? … laments the death of Israel. … but Israel feels they are anything but dead. … so the inevitability of this judgement brings Amos a deep sense of sadness. The terrible destruction verse 3 … total destruction of their armies. verse 4 … “Seek God and live” The cause of the problem verse 5 &…

Amos 1:1-2 – The Message

Please visit The Bible Project for a short video overview on the book of Amos Amos 1:1-2 – The Message The Lord roars from Zion … Verse 1: Meeting the cast: Uzziah, Jeroboam II and Amos History matters because these are real people and our real God Reading the Old Testament From Genesis to 2 Kings, a story of people who reject…

Christmas Eve 2017 – The Gift Of Jesus

Christmas Eve 2017 – The Gift Of Jesus Bursting forth in song? What caused Mary to sing… a) Mary is excited – v 46-47 “My soul glorifies the Lord, and my Spirit rejoices in God my Saviour”. “Blessed are you Mary among women, and blessed is the child you bear” … a spirit inspired exclamation b) Mary is blessed – v 48-49…

Questioning Jesus… Are You Sure?

Who do you think Jesus is / was? “How would you describe the Christian Christmas story?” A certain level of embellishment? Facts recorded by eye witnesses? Why you can be certain. Luke carefully investigated everything – Was not following popular opinion about Jesus. – Not details Mary would make up “Who do you think Jesus was or who do you think he…