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Philippians 1:1-11 – Partnership

Introduction to Philippians It’s all about Jesus Establishing Partnership (verses 3-6) Gospel partnership is the nature of following Jesus Partnership as an approach to discipleship The image indicates the investment we have Demonstrating partnership (verses 7-8) How partnership should shape our relationships (vs 7) Grace as an opportunity to gospel partnership Partnership as an investment in growth Prayer for partnership (verses 9-11)…

Revelation 21-22 – Our New Home

What do you imagine heaven to be like? What heaven is like 1) There are new things and the former things have passed away ‘new heavens and a new earth’ … a bride who is a city dressed beautifully for her husband … God is now dwelling with humanity … no more death…or mourning …or crying .. or pain. … water without…

Revelation 17-20 – The Fall of Babylon

Notice: Unfortunately the bible reading was not recorded “What’s the take on Revelation today?”. The end of “Rome” Chapter 17 … the end of Babylon But is Rev 17 only speaking to us about Rome? …what is going to happen to all human cities of power when God calls everything to its final conclusion. Babylon … symbolic of human rebellion against God.…

Revelation 15-16 – The Last Judgement

Is there ever a need for judgment? Revelation 15 and 16: The last judgment The image’s source: The Exodus Why does it use that imagery? Exodus and the presence of God Exodus and the power of God How does the exodus image help? Knowing the destination helps the journey Doomsday Preppers: being ready for the end Getting our affairs in order Orienting…

Revelation 12-14 – The Dragon, The Beastie Boys and The Angels

Chapter 12 – Dragon (the gospel retold) A sign in heaven (12:1-6). The dragon is unable to stop God’s saviour coming. The heavenly battle (12:7-12) The significance of Jesus coming – salvation is secure. The dragon’s response (12:13-17) The church is persecuted Chapter 13. – The Beastie Boys (persecution unpacked) The “sea beast” (13:1-10) – human opposition to the gospel The “land…

Revelation 6:1-8:5 – The Seals

… deeply shocking and strongly reassuring. When the seals are opened … conquest, butchering, famine and death. Seals 1-4 … what is happening on earthSeals 5 & 6 … what is happening in heaven. Seal # 1 …a rider on a white horse … given a crown and is sent out as a conqueror bent on conquest. Seal # 2 … a…

Revelation 4-5 – The Throne Room … of God

… approaches to the book of Revelation. Firstly, it would be helpful to read it slowly.Secondly, get an overview of the whole book ( ) So farRevelation … from God the Father to Jesus, to an Angel that gives it to John who then testifies to the church everything he saw. … who God is … write to seven churches.  encouragement…

Managing Wisely

Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom       Proverbs 2:1-5 “Remember your maker” – a call to humility       Proverbs 22:2 What does it mean to be wise with wealth?       Recognizing that wealth itself is not evil       But how adept are we at spotting greed?       Wealth should be stewarded carefully       Righteousness is worth more than wealth…