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Sermons by Rick Maude (Page 20)

Producing The Spirit’s Fruit

05 – Spirit of Truth – Producing the Spirit’s fruit The danger of chasing our natural desires Does grace mean we can do whatever we wanted to? … And just ask God to forgive us? So far … converting … indwelling … prodding The Fruit the Spirit brings a) A process that normally takes time. b) A reflection of how healthy that…

Recognising The Spirit’s Work

04 – Spirit of Truth – Recognising the Spirit’s work. Jesus was not preparing his disciples for a comfortable life? John 15:26 … when the Spirit comes … disciples are filled with grief It is good that Jesus is going Unless Jesus goes the Spirit will not come … a paraclete Recognising the Spirit’s work a) Spirit’s work in the world (8-11)…

Power From The Spirit

03 – Spirit of Truth – Power from the Spirit “Contemporary society has a quest for power. But what happens when the church follows the same path”? Mission impossible! Power to get the job done …baptism with the Holy Spirit empowers the disciples’ to take the gospel of the risen Lord Jesus from the centre of Jerusalem religion to the centre of…

Baptism With The Holy Spirit

Spirit of Truth – Baptism with the Holy Spirit “if you play your cards right you will receive a second blessing from God that will bring you closer to him and more in tune with his character”. Acts 1:5, John baptised with water but in a few days, you will be “baptised with/in the Holy Spirit.” How is the phrased used in…

Experiencing The Spirit’s Strength

Spirit of Truth – Experiencing the Spirit’s strength What do you understand about the Holy Spirit? Ezekiel background Ezekiel 37 … and experiencing the strength of God’s Spirit Verse 11 …bones represent the dead, lifeless, hopeless nation of God’s people. “Can these bones live?” … proclaim the ‘Word of YHWH’ … send the ‘breath of God’ Verse 5-6… an overview Two things…

Amos 5:1-17 – Tragic Truth

Tragic Truth – Amos 5:1-17 Deep sadness? … laments the death of Israel. … but Israel feels they are anything but dead. … so the inevitability of this judgement brings Amos a deep sense of sadness. The terrible destruction verse 3 … total destruction of their armies. verse 4 … “Seek God and live” The cause of the problem verse 5 &…

Amos 3:9-15 – Terrified By Truth

Amos 3:9-15 – Terrified by truth Privileged position was about to end in a catastrophic way 1 Kings 12 … a bad start. … Deut 28 … covenant blessing and curses A nation that does not know how to do right – v 9-10 Map – Philistia and Egypt Verse 10, “they do not know how to do right”. … “they store…

Amos 2:6-3:2 – The Peril Of Privilege

Due to a technical issue, the audio recording of the sermon and the bible readings are unavailable; however the transcript of the sermon is provided. Amos Sermon 03 – Amos 2.6-3.2 – The Peril Of Privilege – Transcript Amos 2:6-3:2 – The Peril of Privilege Readings: Amos 2:6-3:2, Romans 3:9-31 The reasons for God’s judgement (v6b-8) a) Took advantage of the weak,…