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8:30am, 10:00am & 6:00pm

Sermons by Rick Maude (Page 16)

Revelation 6:1-8:5 – The Seals

… deeply shocking and strongly reassuring. When the seals are opened … conquest, butchering, famine and death. Seals 1-4 … what is happening on earthSeals 5 & 6 … what is happening in heaven. Seal # 1 …a rider on a white horse … given a crown and is sent out as a conqueror bent on conquest. Seal # 2 … a…

Revelation 4-5 – The Throne Room … of God

… approaches to the book of Revelation. Firstly, it would be helpful to read it slowly.Secondly, get an overview of the whole book ( ) So farRevelation … from God the Father to Jesus, to an Angel that gives it to John who then testifies to the church everything he saw. … who God is … write to seven churches.  encouragement…


How has the word of God encouraged you? In what ways has it redirected your thinking? Last week Be a regular giver, Be a generous giver, Be deliberate in how you give Think broadly in your giving Macedonian Christians (show picture – center of map).… as much as they were able and even beyond their ability. … people who excelled in the grace…

Revelation 3:1-22 – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly – Part 3

A letter to us. … what encouragement and warnings would he include? Ephesus? Smyrna? Pergamum and Thyatira? Sardis … Everyone knew how good the church at Sardis was. “But you are dead”. Rev 3:2 … their deeds remain unfinished. Not everyone in Sardis is like this. Rev 3:4 … people who have not soiled their clothes Philadelphia Philadelphia is a weak… vulnerable…

Revelation 1:9-20 – Jesus!

Keep calm and carry on (show picture) One just like them Suffering kingdom and patient endurance … because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. Some Questions i) The Lord’s day ii) In the Spirit … this is a vision he is seeing not a physical reality. Vision of Jesus Verse 13-18 … stunning vision of Jesus. … majesty…

Genesis 10-11 – Babble On

What is it that you desire? The story so far A desire for … What is wrong … Firstly … disobeying what God has told them to do. – Verse 4 … so they will not be scattered over the face of the earth. Secondly …want to make a name for themselves … without any input from God. Are you kidding! ……

Genesis 8-9 – Messy Rescue

So far … God remembered – Gen 8:1 An offering to God An everlasting covenant … what God is going to do. “I will…” “I will never…” … in the face of God’s righteous judgement there is the offer of God’s merciful grace. But what about… … the floods we see today? … sin? Gen 8:21 … “every inclination of their hearts…

Genesis 6-7 – Just Destruction

Who are they? …four main possible explanations 1) Powerful rulers 2) Men possessed by demons 3) Descendants of the line of Seth marrying into line of Cain 4) Angels coming to earth and marrying human daughters What about the 120 years? …humans would never live past 120 years old??? … 120 years till God will send the flood– We are still mortal…