Join us on Sunday at
8:30am, 10:00am & 6:00pm

Matthew 19:1-20:34 – Why Will The First Be Last?

When your understanding is challenged Firstly, the authority of Jesus clearly on display. Secondly, … their understand of godly living completely upside down. Who is it who gets Godly living right? Jesus or the experts in the law? Divorce Deut 24:1 “martial unfaithfulness” or “for any and every reason”. Jesus’ reply … … God’s original intention … how sinfulness had impacted marriage.…

To The Glory Of God Alone

“Salvation is received by God’s grace alone, through faith alone in Christ alone, revealed to us through scripture alone… … to the glory of God alone” Two parts to ‘the glory of God alone’ What is the chief purpose of mankind? “to glorify God and enjoy him forever” Firstly, the rescue God wins for us and offers us … is the glory…

Scripture Alone

Model – comparison to a stool – the top flat bit being faith, supported by three legs – scripture, reason & tradition. All three are important – but not all have equal value and we need to be careful Note: as we read scripture, we don’t simply read scripture as a book Who God is? God reveals himself through creation. God reveals…

Christ Alone

“Christ alone” … instead of what? Reformation – 16thC context Who saving faith is all about? … it’s all about Jesus and Jesus alone Why should we care? Jesus has done absolutely everything … & there is absolutely nothing more we can add to what Jesus has done Jesus is the only way John 14:6 “Jesus answered, “I am the way and…

Faith Alone

Justified by … Grace alone … through Faith alone in Christ alone, revealed through Scripture alone to the glory of God alone GRACE = God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. What faith is not. something that requires no evidence faith despite the evidence. BUT it is faith based on the years and generations of evidence God has given. How will you ever be…

Grace Alone

What do you need to do to be saved? How can we ever stand before God “just as if we had never sinned?” (justified) Scripture alone Faith alone Grace alone Christ alone …the glory of God alone A bit of historical context Salvation came via grace that was only distributed via this one and only true church. …via the seven sacraments …faster…