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8:30am, 10:00am & 6:00pm

Genesis 8-9 – Messy Rescue

So far … God remembered – Gen 8:1 An offering to God An everlasting covenant … what God is going to do. “I will…” “I will never…” … in the face of God’s righteous judgement there is the offer of God’s merciful grace. But what about… … the floods we see today? … sin? Gen 8:21 … “every inclination of their hearts…

Genesis 6-7 – Just Destruction

Who are they? …four main possible explanations 1) Powerful rulers 2) Men possessed by demons 3) Descendants of the line of Seth marrying into line of Cain 4) Angels coming to earth and marrying human daughters What about the 120 years? …humans would never live past 120 years old??? … 120 years till God will send the flood– We are still mortal…

Genesis 4-5 – Cain and Abel

More Unknowns For example … Was Cain conceived before or after the fall? How often did Cain and Abel offer sacrifices? Exactly how did Cain kill Abel? What is the mark of Cain? A promising start Adam and Eve have offspring… Eve’s response? giving thanks to God or taking credit for creation A favoured offering …God looked with favour on Abel …but…

Genesis 3 – A Terrible Fall

… why is it that we have a natural propensity to drift towards ungodliness? What does Gen 3 have to say? 1) The way sin is sown a) Doubt “Did God really say?” b) Desire You could be like him.. knowing good and evil. 2) The impact sin has …verse 7 … They hide from God. … they blame others. Gen 2:23…

Genesis 1-2 – God Creates

The book of Genesis A few dangers … not written to just answer the issues of our time and age … not given to Adam and Eve as a manual … forgetting the context Gen 1-2 a) God creates … … out of nothing. … always existed. … YHWH, God’s personal name. … all that exists … should impact who they worship.…

The Spirit Of Power

… life is automatically going to be tough simply because they follow Jesus. Romans 8, … creation itself is suffering and decaying The Spirit is only the first fruits … God’s glory is going to be revealed in us. … there is so much better to come. The Spirit helps us live now … he intercedes for us in prayer. So what…

The Spirit Of Peace

A very brief overview… How incredibly good and how incredibly necessary the gospel is … “the power of God for salvation”. Romans 5:1 … WE HAVE PEACE WITH GOD. The Christian struggle Rom 7:21-25. “So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in God’s…

The Spirit Of Wisdom

The Question: What are the evidences that the Spirit is at work within us? The work of the Spirit begins with a change from darkness to light (Eph 5:8) As children of the light (verses 11-14) Live as children of the light. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness. What this has to do with the Spirit: Galatians 5:25…

The Spirit of Holiness

… how the Spirit’s role is connected with us being Holy. (1) The Spirit pleads the Father’s cause (v16) John 14:16, “I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever”. … send another just like him. … he will be an advocate = acts on your behalf for your cause. The…