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Sermons by Rick Maude (Page 40)

Titus 1:10-2:1 – Getting Doctrine Right

“no one did anything about it” Titus 1:9 “He must hold firmly to the trust worthy message as it has been taught, so he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it” 1)    Believe the bible 2)    Encourage others with God’s word 3)    Refute and oppose false teaching The impact of false teaching Titus 1: 11, “They must…

Titus 1:1-9 – Getting The Leadership Right

What make a good leader? An intro to Titus – v 1-4 … a servant of God … to God’s elect … know the truth about godliness … hope of eternal life… promised … God is 100% faithful … content and reason for preaching Jesus divinity – “God our saviour” (v3) = “Jesus our saviour” (v 4) Leadership in the church v…

Acts 21:1-23:22 – Jerusalem Rejects Again

Good things turn sour The Spirit’s leading Acts 20:22, “and now, compelled by the Spirit, I am going to Jerusalem not knowing what will happen to me there. I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardship are facing me” Acts 21:4, “through the Spirit urged Paul not to go there” In Caesarea … the…

Baptism – What Must I Do To Be Saved

Baptism – What Must I Do To Be Saved Ever been really lost? –    Bungonia caving Hairy Traverse  – photo. “Someone who is lost is so excited to be saved.” –    Miners in US “What must I do to be saved?” 1)    How would you answer this question? –    Do I really need saving … I am a pretty nice person? Ephesians…

Acts 16:6-18:22 – A Five City Tour

1) A whirl wind tour Show map of their trip 2) What on earth is God doing? Excluded from hearing the gospel? Heading to Macedonia A five city tour Philippi, a city of Romans Thessalonica, a port city Berea, a place of nobility and enquiry Athens, a place of learning & philosophy Corinth, a capital of wickedness 3) The gospel comes to…

Acts 15:1-16:5 – Things That Go Without Saying

What about our heritage? A false gospel is preached! Jerusalem discussion –    Peter –    Paul and Barnabas –    James The way forward … the church is encouraged An ironic twist For us today. 1)    Salvation by Faith alone in Jesus alone 2)    The gospel plus = no gospel 3)    Working issues out 4)    On those who join us For your coffee discussion…