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Sermons by Rick Maude (Page 30)

The Virgin Birth

What are you prepared to die for? During the 21st Century every 11 minutes a Christian dies for their faith “We believe in the conception of Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit and his birth by the virgin Mary”. Does it matter? 3 things it can expose. 1)  Are words being used honestly? Using the same words with different meaning. Eg: Divinty…

The Mission Of The King

What does God think of our failure to heed his word if we have kept all the religious ceremonies? God’s clear command … wipe them off the face of the earth … A long and violent history Firstly – not the desire of a sinful power hungry human leader. Secondly- God’s perfect, just and righteous judgement. Saul’s rejection by God The camp…

The Search For A Saviour

Ultimate political campaign slogans –    “in your heart you know he is right” –    “in your guts you know he’s nuts”. –    “Peace and Prosperity,” “A king like all the other nations.” God chooses a leader 1 Sam 9:15 1 Sam 9:16 … anoint Saul as LEADER. … But the people want him to be King 1 Sam 10:24 The regulations of…

The Problem Of The Presence Of God

Getting it wrong 1)    God’s own people – 1 Sam 4 2)    The Philistine Rulers 3)    The men at Beth Shemesh Who can stand in the presence of the LORD, this Holy God? 1 Sam 6:20 For us today 1)    God is not there for us to use. 2)    A warning for those who think God is defeated 3)     “Who can stand…

The God Who Humbles And Exalts

An introduction to Samuel Creation Adam and Eve – Fall – blessing lost, not fully realised Tower of Babel Abraham and God’s promise to him (approx 2000bc) Moses and the burning bush (approx 1450 BC) Judges (approx 1380 – 1050BC) Samuel – approx 1050BC What is happening immediately prior to 1 Samuel … Judges 21:25 “In those days Israel had no king;…

The Glory Of God

The world of Romans is very much like the world of Adelaide is becoming So what do they say? The Gospel is… Rom 1:1-8 – Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and he took on human form and died in our place for our sin on the cross. He rose again from the dead and it is through Jesus we…

Gospel Watchfulness

Beware lest you fall 1 Cor 10:11-12 “These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the fulfilment of the ages has come.  So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!” Adelaide Anglican churches that –   no longer teach God’s word –   no longer proclaim the gospel –  …

Gospel Qualities

A list of names… Who are all these people? Pheobe. “deaconess” benefactor Junia. Woman Apostle How did the gospel shape them? What does this mean for us today? Together Cost Questions Are you passionate about and involved in serving God together?’ How does it cost you to serve God? If Paul was going to write to us today what would he single…

Gospel Glory

The way Christians relate to each other. Showing godliness in the way we relate to each other Command # 1 – v 1-2 “The strong need to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please themselves” Reason # 1 – v 3-4 … because this is the example Jesus set. Prayer # 1 – v 5-6 … a Spirit…

Gospel Love

Look as I look, Do as I do, And then and only then, Will I have fellowship with you Romans 14:13 … stop judging one another on these disputable matters 1)    Avoid Stumbling blocks and obstacles Because (v15) a)    … it is unloving b)    … it could well destroy their faith …  freedoms might be limited out of Christian love. … make…