Join us on Sunday at
8:30am, 10:00am & 6:00pm

Sermons by Rick Maude (Page 23)

Ephesians 3:1-13 – God’s Mercy – Having A Gospel Heart

Ephesians 3:1-13 – God’s Mercy – Having a Gospel Heart What would you be happy to go to prison for? Paul’s ‘squirrel moment’ Eph 3:1 … ‘squirrel moment’ God’s incredible Grace Verses 3-5 …‘mystery that was given to him’ …not a secret (v 6) Making God’s grace known Ephesians 2:7 … make this gospel known verse 10 – the church … to…

Ephesians 2:11-22 – God’s Mercy – Come And Belong

God’s Mercy – Come and Belong Churches are messy places. The historical context Gospel based changes changes our relationship with God results in restoration in our relationship with others The past disadvantage of being a gentile … separate from Christ, … excluded from citizenship in Israel … not the recipients of the covenant promises … no hope before God …without God in…

Our Problems With Work

  Our Problems With Work … it seems fruitless? … or pointless Question from last week What is the difference between work and leisure? 1. Work can be fruitless Gen 3:17, God affirms Adam’s need to work the ground. But … he will also reap thorns and thistles. Romans 8:22 … all creation groans Living with the thorns and thistles (show picture)…

God’s Plan For Work

God’s Plan for Work What picture sums up your view of work? What is Work “the exertion or effort that is done to accomplish something” Work is good God works Perfect people are given work to do What sort of work? … God creates the world … God provides for the world John 5:17, “Jesus said to them, My Father is always…