Join us on Sunday at
8:30am, 10:00am & 6:00pm

God’s Plan For Work

Genesis 1:27-2:25

God’s Plan for Work

What picture sums up your view of work?

What is Work
“the exertion or effort that is done to accomplish something”

Work is good
God works
Perfect people are given work to do

What sort of work?
… God creates the world
… God provides for the world
John 5:17, “Jesus said to them, My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working”
Gen 1:28, Gen 2:5 – Humanity has a job description
‘Subdue’ – continue to discover and develop the world God has made
‘God left the world with untapped potential that would be unlocked through our labour’ (Tim Keller, Every Good Endeavour)

Questions to ponder
Do you see the work that you do (not just your job) as something that is good for your soul?
How does seeing work as something good God planned for you to do change your attitude to your work?
If subduing the world involves discovering, unlocking and ordering the potential of the world, how does this expand your view of work within God’s creation plan?

God’s example in work gives us freedom
God does not regard one type of work as better than another (eg professional ministry jobs vs other jobs).
1. Misunderstanding of salvation.
2. Misunderstanding of the purpose of work.

Work helps US thrive and flourish
When we work together we all benefit.
Work is an act of love

For us today
God created us to work.
God gives us a clear work/life balance.
God does not make one sort of work more ‘spiritual’ than another.
What has gone wrong?