Join us on Sunday at
8:30am, 10:00am & 6:00pm

Isaiah 42:1-17 – A Light For The Gentiles

Is God really God? Isaiah 41-42 – God is real, he reveals the future… he will send the servant … to restore people from all the nations … so they can praise and glorify God. Isaiah 41 God  alone is the only real God. All the idols of the nations are simply, nothing Is 41:24 … those who trust them are detestable.…

The Family of Believers

International Day of the Persecuted 2013 – The Family of Believers Comfortable Adelaide 1) Persecution… Should we expect it? John 15:18, “If the world hates you, keep in mind it hated me first”. John 15:20,  “No servant is greater than his master’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also” “if they obey my teaching, they will also obey yours”. Acts…

God and Euthanasia

Insert Monty Python skit Defining terms 1) Euthanasia = “an easy or gentle death” It is deceptive … –    sometimes a long time to die –    trauma caused in families –    face God – Heb 10:31, “it is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” 2) Voluntary Euthanasia = when death is chosen by the sufferer. and…

God and Greed

Do you wish you had more money? What does God think of greed? How should we seek to live as his people in our society? What is Greed? … the DESIRE for more wealth. Greed is a heart problem. So is it only excessive Greed that is bad for us? Greed and God Luke 12:15, “watch out, be on your guard against…

John 5:16-30 – Life Through The Son

Life to dead muscles – John 5:12 …they set out to give Jesus a hard time. “who does this man really think he is”. He works like his Dad – John 5:17 The Father and the Son are one John 5:19, 20, 22, 23 Two options – John 5:24 = LIFE or death and condemnation. So how will Jesus judge? – John…

John 5:1-15 – Who Healed You?

What matters? On a scale of 1 – 10 – how important are these things in your life? –    Health? –    Integrity? –    Financial success? –    Good family/spouse relationships? –    Successful life accomplishments? Add, “Following Jesus” What priority does following Jesus get in your life? Qu: Does the importance I give Jesus in my life really matter? Do you want LIFE? (SHOW…

John 4:43-54 – The Second Sign

Some strange things 1. His own did not receive him 2. Welcoming without welcoming 3. Believing without believing 4. Even his own brothers did not believe on him Enter an official Sign-seeker or saviour-seeker? Jesus tests him “Go, your son will live” He and his household believed A connection with Herod The main point of the story What keeps us from seeing…