Join us on Sunday at
8:30am, 10:00am & 6:00pm

Jesus: One Of Us

How insignificant are you? Recap … the majesty of God’s Son … the Son is far better than the angels. Our incredible purpose God crowned humanity with glory and honour and he put everything under our rule. “Yet at present we do not see everything subject to him” … this potential has not been realised. … because of I am a sinner.…

Jesus: No-One Compares

Due to a technical hitch, the first reading Hebrews 1:4-2:4 was not recorded. Comparing the Angels and Jesus Jesus is superior to the angels If they listened to the law, ‘mediated by angels’ … … how much more must they listen to the Son? Is this warning for believers or those outside the church? Not about worshipping angels; but how we respond…

God Has Spoken

Are all religious world views the same? The book of Hebrews The danger of drifting Hebrews 1:1-4 Why Jesus needs to remain at the very centre of our faith. Verse 1 – God has spoken to our forefathers Verse 1 – in these last days Verse 1 – through his Son. Why Jesus is better Verse 2b – he is the one…

God Is Gracious

Are you always trying to prove yourself against others? 1)    God is great … so we do not have to be in control 2)    God is Glorious … so we do not need to fear anyone or anything 3)    God is Good … so we do not need to look elsewhere for satisfaction and purpose in life God is gracious What the…

God Is Good

Do you believe that God is Good? Romans 5:8- “But God demonstrated his love for us in this whilst we were still sinners Christ died for us” John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” 1)    Is he really good? What…

God Is Glorious

What do you fear? 4 Liberating truths = God is Great, God is Glorious, God is Good, God is Gracious. Uses of the word Glorious … glorious stroke play … the weather was glorious What the bible says = our response to his perfect character. Piper, “God’s glory is him going public with his infinite beauty, worth and value”. What should our…

God Is Great

What is the sin that you struggle most with? Romans 1:25 “exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshipped and served created things rather than the creator.” God is great Matthew 10:30 Psalm 139 Hebrews 1:3 Isaiah 40:12 Ephesians 1:11 Proverbs 21:1 Mark4 How is the greatness of God liberating? Firstly – Do not need to fear anyone or anything…

Did He Really Rise? Part 2 – The Only Plausible Response

Would you willingly die for something you know to be a lie? From last week 5 almost universally accepted facts about the supposed resurrection of Jesus 1)    Jesus died by crucifixion 2)    Jesus disciples believed that he rose and appeared to them 3)    The church persecutor Paul was suddenly changed 4)    The sceptic James, brother of Jesus was suddenly changed 5)    The…

Did He Really Rise – The Facts? Part 1

What do you believe about the resurrection of Jesus from the dead? –    2009 NCLS fact sheet on the resurrection (show graph) 31 % believe the resurrection was an actual historical event 34% neither agree nor disagree 35% disbelieve Does it matter? 1 Cor 15:13-19 – if Jesus has not been raised then Christianity is nothing The resurrection is the only plausible…

Are The Lost Really Lost?

Who are the ‘lost’ In Ezekiel: God’s people gone astray In Luke: The son who has rejected his father The problem that this creates: insider/outsider language We can create an unhelpful (and unbiblical) barrier between those who ‘belong’ and those who don’t. In one sense, the lost and the saved are no different Coins, sheep, sons… they’re all the same ‘ontologically’ (in…