Join us on Sunday at
8:30am, 10:00am & 6:00pm

Deuteronomy 1-3 – Stop Trusting Yourself

Deuteronomy 1-3 – Stop Trusting Yourself Over confident in our own ability The Story So Far God creating… … ‘Very Good’ … rejected God’s right to rule his creation. … God promised that one would come who would reverse the effects of the fall. … Gen 4 onwards there is the search Abraham … a great nation … a land … blessing…

Matthew 7:13-29 – The Choice Of Jesus

Matthew 7:13-29 – The Choice Of Jesus Introduction: Keeping up appearances. Part 1 – Making the choice Narrow and Wide gates Wise and foolish builders Part 2 – Learning discernment True and false prophets    – How do you know? True and false disciples – How do you know? Modern disciples… – If you’re someone who hasn’t made that decision… – If…

Matthew 7:1-12 – The Judgement Of Jesus

Matthew 7:1-12 – The Judgements of Jesus The critical spirit 1) “Don’t be Judgemental” – Mt 7:1 Bizarre interpretations Jesus says don’t have a “judgemental attitude” towards your fellow Christians. See 1 Cor 5:12-13 and Mt 7:3-4 2) Towards gracious godliness We notice the speck in another’s eye but fail to notice the plank in our own eye! Eg: King David ……

Easter 2017 – Good Friday

Service Outline Welcome Song – “Come Praise And Glorify” John 13:1-17 Confession Song – “10,000 Reasons” John 14:1-14 Song – “Sooner Count The Stars” John 17:20-26 Prayers John 18:1-11 Song – “Glorious Christ” John 19:16-27 John 19:28-42 Song – “How deep the Father’s Love” Our CCLI license does not authorise us to publish recordings of the songs, so they have been removed…

Hebrews 13:7-17 – Live By Example

Who was it who first spoke to you about Jesus? Jesus redefined “Jesus was a communist, pacifist, tax and spend liberal hippy”. “Jesus was a right wing socialist revolutionary” verse 7, “to remember their leaders who spoke God’s word to them”. “consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith”. Jesus is unchanging – v 8 “Jesus is the…

Hebrews 13:1-6 – Live In Love

Warns God’s people not to drift away from Jesus … who Jesus is and what he has done Heb 12:29 “Our God is a consuming fire” 5 Commands 1) Keep loving each other as brothers and sisters Question for discussion: What are way we can show love to each other?   2) Show Hospitality Question: Are we showing hospitality both to those…

Hebrews 12:12-29 – Live In Awe

When the going gets tough! What is going to happen to your relationship with God when hardship strikes? Do not to drift away from Jesus. 1) Toughen up together – v 12-17 “Toughen up” – v 12-14. “together” –  support one another in following Jesus. (Hebrews 3:13, 4:1, 4:11, 6:11, 10:25) Verse 14 – “make every effort to live at peace with…

Hebrews 12:1-11 – Discipled for Holiness

Surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses… The context (11:39-40) The great crowd around us Run the race that is set before you Throw off everything that might slow you down Fix your eyes on Jesus… Most of all, be sure to run! Loving discipline We’re each struggling with sin. Discipline is God’s parental guidance Discipline leads to a ‘harvest of righteousness’…

Hebrews 11 – The Hall Of Fame

What sort of faith do you have? Do you have ‘Salt pan faith’ that is blind and untested faith? Is your faith more like abseiling faith? Hebrews so far faith in God that endures What is this faith like? Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we cannot see. The hall of faith A long list…

Samuel Marsden

What you need to start a new colony… Sydney: Plans for the first fleet London: John Newton and the Eclectic Society Sydney: The heavy demands of a chaplain.. – Uphold morality – Be a ‘proper churchman’ – Preach the gospel. London: Marsden prepares Sydney: Marsden and the mission to Australasia. Lessons from the chaplains: – Desire for gospel growth – Generosity –…