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8:30am, 10:00am & 6:00pm

Hebrews 12:12-29 – Live In Awe

Exodus 19:1-25

Hebrews 12:12-29

When the going gets tough!

What is going to happen to your relationship with God when hardship strikes?

Do not to drift away from Jesus.

1) Toughen up together – v 12-17
“Toughen up” – v 12-14.
“together” –  support one another in following Jesus.
(Hebrews 3:13, 4:1, 4:11, 6:11, 10:25)

Verse 14 – “make every effort to live at peace with one another”
Verse 15 – “See to it that no one misses out on the grace of God”.
Verse 15 – We need to be people who treat each other with grace.
Verse 15 – “Ensure that no bitter root grows up among us”
Verse 16 – sexual immorality and godless living.

2) Know God is awesome
God was not to be trifled with… he is awesome.
Verse 25 – warned to heed his word.

3) Worship acceptably with reverence and awe – v 28
…let God’s word set the agenda.
Hebrews so far …
… worship = all about serving him.
Chapter 2, 5 & 6, 10, 12.
all of God’s word


Are you refusing God’s word?

Are you allowing God’s word to set the agenda on what it means to worship God acceptably with reverence and awe?