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8:30am, 10:00am & 6:00pm

John 18:12-40 – Denials And Trials

Leviticus 16:1-22

John 18:12-40

So far in the story
Jesus power and authority
Jesus purpose

Peter’s denial
“You are not one of his disciples are you?”

Jesus’ trials
Jesus before Annas
–  The Godfather of the high priests
–  Jesus remains in control

Jesus before Pilate
–  Pilate was having second thoughts
–  A rejection of Jesus’ offer

For us today
Three different responses to Jesus
1)    The confused response of Peter.

2)    The hard and unrepentant hearts of the Jewish leaders

3)    Pilate’s response

Qu: Do we prefer strive to listen to ALL of Jesus word so that we might know truth about God’s eternal kingdom?
Are we prepared to accept the kingship of Jesus over our lives?