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Sermons by Rick Maude (Page 21)

The Christian And Domestic Violence

The Christian and Domestic Violence A real story 1 in 3 women … experienced physical violence since 15 years old (2.56 million women). NSW (12 years) 1000 murders related to domestic violence, 92 % of the victims were female 100% of domestic violence related murders were as a result of male driven domestic violence. What is domestic violence? “Domestic violence is a…

Matthew 16:1-28 – The King Must Die

Matthew 16:1-28 – The King Must Die … coming to terms with the reality of just who Jesus is? Another attempt to trap Jesus … the sign of Jonah. Matthew 12:39-40, “He answered, “A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.  For as Jonah was three days and…

Matthew 15:1-39 – Defiled

Matthew 15:1-39 – Defiled? No pastoral visit … coming FROM Jerusalem “Why don’t your disciples obey our long-held traditions?” How can a person who is ceremonially unclean be right with God? … nullified the word of God for the sake of their human traditions. A bigger problem. Isaiah 29:13 “These people honour me with their lips, but their hearts are far from…

Did He Really Rise? – Unconvincing Alternative Explanations – Easter Sunday 2018

Did He Really Rise? Unconvincing Alternative Explanations – Easter Sunday 2018 Would you willingly die for something you know to be a lie? 5 accepted Facts 5 almost universally accepted facts about the supposed resurrection of Jesus 1) Jesus died by crucifixion 2) Jesus disciples believed that he rose and appeared to them 3) The church persecutor Paul was suddenly changed 4)…

Good Friday 2018

Good Friday 2018 Welcome Song – Almighty Maker Matthew 7:24-29 Awesome Teaching Matthew 8:5-13 Jesus Wants People To Put Their Faith In Him Song – Let Your Kingdom Come Matthew 17:1-13 God Confirms Who Jesus Is Song – Jerusalem Matthew 21:1-11 The Trending Jesus Song – In The Name Of Love Matthew 26:47-56 The Kingdom Plans Unravel? General Prayers Matthew 27:45-56 The…

Matthew 10:1-42 – The Lord Of The Harvest

Matthew 9:1-42 – The Lord of the Harvest A plentiful harvest “the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest so send workers into his harvest” 1) God’s message and authority (v 1-15) “The Kingdom of heaven has come near”. Two restrictions Firstly … the lost sheep of Israel. Secondly, they cannot take anything with them.…

Matthew 9:1-38 – Opposition To Christ

Opposition To Christ – Matthew 9:1-38 Jesus … is he just a great guy? Firstly – He has a great family genealogy. Secondly – Jesus had God speak at both his birth and his baptism. Thirdly – He could run rings around the religious leaders in his understanding of God’s word and law. Everyone likes a ‘Jesus who made my life better…

Do What Comes Naturally

Exposing Our Blind Spots – Do What Comes Naturally Born that way? What the bible says 2 Sam 11 … King David followed his natural desires 2 Sam 12 … confronted with his gross sin His response to the whole situation in Psalm 51 Ps 51:5, “Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me”. Should they…

Suffering Is Bad

Exposing Our Blind Spots – Suffering Is Bad A choice to suffer Jesus and suffering Mark 8:31 … must suffer many things Mark 8:34 “…deny yourself, take up your cross and follow him. For us in the west verse 38 … he will be ashamed of us when he returns to judge us. So, how have we ended up with such a…