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Matthew 9:1-38 – Opposition To Christ

Matthew 9:1-38

Opposition To Christ – Matthew 9:1-38

Jesus … is he just a great guy?
Firstly – He has a great family genealogy.
Secondly – Jesus had God speak at both his birth and his baptism.
Thirdly – He could run rings around the religious leaders in his understanding of God’s word and law.
Everyone likes a ‘Jesus who made my life better now’
… growing opposition to Jesus.

#1 – The teachers of the Law (v1-8)
“this fellow is blaspheming”.
An offer to forgive sins is easier to make if you are a fraud because you do not have to deliver immediately.

See also Isaiah 35:5-6 – “the eyes of the blind will be opened, the ears of the deaf unstopped. The lame will leap like a deer and the mute tongue shout for joy”.

# 2 – The Pharisee’s (v9-13)
“Why does this teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?”
“I have come not to call the righteous but sinner”

#3 – John’s Disciples (v14-17)

The right response towards Jesus
the synagogue ruler and the sick lady …
the two blind blokes and the demon possessed mute…

Workers for the harvest (v35-38)

For us today
1) Jesus is focused on people who are sick

2) Jesus generated opposition

3) Jesus desires mercy not sacrifice

4) Mission work requires us to get dirty… it is part of following

5) Just being excited by and praising God because of the incredible power and authority of Jesus is NOT faith