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Sermons on Psalms (Page 9)

Problem Of Pain And Suffering – Part 2

Where is God? Questions 1)    It is all slightly overwhelming. How are we supposed to grow ourselves and our children in the Christian faith and still witness or share with others? If I am still learning and growing how can I be confident in getting the correct message across? 2)    Is suffering apart from ‘for your faith’, for example illness, medical problems…

Mark 11:27-12:12 – Whom Shall I Fear?

Jesus’ authority – What’s at stake? Driven by fear (11vv18, 27-28) Frozen by fear (vv31-33) Misplaced fear (12vv1-12) Two possibilities John the Baptist 11vv29-30 Jesus v33 Application What difference does this make? References: Mk 1:22; 2:5-7,10-12,16; 3:22; 4:39-41; 5:7,15,29,17,33-36,41-42; 6:7,12-13,18,26-29,41-43,49-50; 7:8,34-35; 8:25,29; 9:7,24,26; 10:21-22,29,32; 11:15-18; 12:42; 14:43,50; 15:31-32; 16:8; Lk12v4-5; Jesus Freaks Vol2: (p157-59)