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Sermons on Luke (Page 9)

Ultimate Relaxation

Stress relief? What would be your ideal plan of relaxation? Is relaxation a good thing? One day in seven How do we go about relaxing? Slow down … Psalm 46:10 – “Be still and know that I am God” … BUT don’t opt out. … extended time … unfrustrated, idle time to meditate 1)    Relaxation via Meditation Meditation … a sustained ……

Luke 16:1-15 – The Shrewd Manager

A surprising passage Recap the parable Luke 16:8 – the rich man commended his dishonest manger. Applying the parable Luke 16:8  – clever in dealing with their own kind. Luke 8:9, people who follow God should use their worldly wealth to gain friends for themselves with eternity in mind. When I have enough to spare Luke 16:10 Convert your Aussie Dollars to…

Luke 15:11-32 – The Prodigal Son

What do you long for in life? Context Luke 15:1 Jesus is teaching a bunch of tax collectors and sinners. The religious people  – “This man welcomes sinners … and eats with them” The Two sons and their Dad   What does this parable mean?   Qu: Have we approached the Father like the younger or older son? Who is the person…

Luke 14.15-24 – The Great Banquet

World’s worst dinner … A big set up Luke 14:1 “watching him carefully” Attack #1 “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?” Attack # 2 “if anyone has a Son or an ox that falls into a well on the Sabbath day, will you not immediately pull him out” Attack # 3 picking for themselves the places of honour verse 11…

Luke 12:13-34 – Money

Religious persecution right here in Adelaide ! Luke so far … large crowd … hostile … put Jesus on the spot Disciples … expect opposition A question … re the family inheritance. Jesus response – verse 15 A parable… “I”, “Me”, “Mine” … YOU FOOL ! … makes life decisions as if God does not exist. OK to be rich but ……