Join us on Sunday at
8:30am, 10:00am & 6:00pm

Isaiah 8:1-9:7 – Waiting For The Lord

What is it that you fear? Luke 12:4, “Do not be afraid of those who can kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear. Fear him who after killing the body, has power to throw you into hell”. Ecclesiastes 12:13 – “Now all has been heard, here is the conclusion of…

Isaiah 1:1-31 – God’s Overture To His People

What do you do with the wayward child? What Judah has done? –    Rebelled against God – v2-4 –    Despite the cost – v5-9 –    Meaningless worship – v 10-17 God’s offer of a fresh start – v 18-20 The Reality of corrupt religious leadership – v 21-23 Judgement and Restoration For us today 1)    God has the only solution to sin…

Mark 11:27-12:12 – Whom Shall I Fear?

Jesus’ authority – What’s at stake? Driven by fear (11vv18, 27-28) Frozen by fear (vv31-33) Misplaced fear (12vv1-12) Two possibilities John the Baptist 11vv29-30 Jesus v33 Application What difference does this make? References: Mk 1:22; 2:5-7,10-12,16; 3:22; 4:39-41; 5:7,15,29,17,33-36,41-42; 6:7,12-13,18,26-29,41-43,49-50; 7:8,34-35; 8:25,29; 9:7,24,26; 10:21-22,29,32; 11:15-18; 12:42; 14:43,50; 15:31-32; 16:8; Lk12v4-5; Jesus Freaks Vol2: (p157-59)

Mark 10:13-52 – How Do You Get To Heaven?

Salvation and young children – Mark 10:13-16 “anyone who will not receive the KOG like a child will never enter it.” Salvation and the rich young ruler – Mark 10:17-31 “Good teacher what must I do to inherit Eternal life?” … sell your possessions and come follow Jesus. Question: How do you get into heaven? … Answer: By following Jesus 100% BUT…

Mark 9:30-10:12 – A Radical Approach To Life

1)    Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God must die (Mark 9:30-32) Mark 8:31 2)    The nature of greatness under Jesus (Mark 9:33-37) 3)    The nature of true fellowship (Mark 9:38-41) 4)    The Danger of sin (Mark 9:42-50) 5)    God’s will for Marriage (Mark 10:1-12) Matt 19,  1 Cor 7 Qu: Are you willing to be discipled by Jesus and take your…

Mark 9:2-13 – Learning From Our Lord

Mt Hermon “People’s typical expectations of political messiah’s – whether ancient or modern, Jewish or gentile – is that glory will arise from power and success. Jesus, however, uniquely teaches and demonstrates by what happens to him, that, with God, glory arises out of faithful and non-violent endurance in the face of evil.” Paul Barnett Chapter 9 is a turning point in…