1 Peter so far
the great hope we have as God’s people.
… an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade
1 Peter 2:24, “he himself bore our sins in his body on the cross so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness.”
The Christian life involves suffering
“Therefore since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourself with the same attitude, because whoever suffers in the body is done with sin.”
Taken out of context
…to say that if the Christian suffers that is good for their soul
… to think that once I adopt the right attitude then I will no longer sin
… to think that all suffering is good.
… expect suffering if we are being obedient to God’s word.
If they persecuted him they will persecute those who follow him.
So how are you going to live as a follower of Jesus in the face of suffering?
Option 1 – The “Where’s Wally” option
(where’s wally picture)
(Picture of Wally)
…your mates will be surprised
…they might well heap abuse on you
… make our plans for living based on eternity
… this might well mean you need to the endure suffering that comes your way.
Option 2 – Clear minded Christian living (v 7-11)
Verse 2 – “living for the will of God”.
Verse 7 – Be alert and sober minded so you can be prayerful.
Verse 8 – be people who love one another deeply.
Verse 9 – be people who offer each other hospitality in the face of persecution.
Verse 10 – use the gifts God has given us to serve each other as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
Verse 11 – speaking God’s word to each other
Verse 11 – be serving one another with the strength God provided.
The reason = be people who live to the praise of his glorious name.