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8:30am, 10:00am & 6:00pm

John 16:16-33 – Grief And Joy

Isaiah 26:1-21

John 16:16-33

“in a minute”

The going and coming of Jesus
Verse 16, “In a little while you will see me no more, then in a little while you will see me”

… the disciple’s grief will turn to joy
1)    The time has come
2)    The pain is worth the joy.
Verse 22, “Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice and no one will take away your joy”

What is this joy?
A)    The joy of the world
… when Jesus is crucified
… but the followers of God grieved.
B)    The joy of the disciples.
… when Jesus rises from the dead.
… a lasting joy.

What does this joy look like?
1)    Joy in the face of great troubles
… a joy that will be real even when they are running for their lives.

2)    Joy in a restored relationship with the Father
… ask the Father for anything in Jesus name.

… asking for things according to the plans, purpose and character of God.

Still confused?
verse 31, “You believe at last!”
“Do you now believe?”

For us today
a)    Expect conflict

b)    Lasting Joy

“They might take the shirt from my back and my head from my shoulders but cannot take my Jesus from my heart”
c)    Direct access to the Father