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Romans 3:9-20 – Coming To God Empty Handed

Isaiah 59:1-21

Romans 3:9-20

We must bring something
“the thing you bring when you are told to bring nothing”

We are all guilty, no excuses, no loop holes, no special exemptions not even for his chosen people.
Romans 3:9, “What shall we conclude then? Are we any better?”
“Not at all”
Rom 3:10, “we are all alike are under sin”.

OT confirmation
Rom 3:10-18
… totally depraved

The purpose of the law
1)    The law silences us
“it is the straight edge of the law that reveals to us how crooked we really are” JB Phillips.
2)    The Law exposes our sin

For us today
1)    We are not basically good

2)    The divine diagnosis

3)    The imperative to tell others

4)    Jesus is not just a life style option