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Sermons on Galatians (Page 2)

The Spirit Of Wisdom

The Question: What are the evidences that the Spirit is at work within us? The work of the Spirit begins with a change from darkness to light (Eph 5:8) As children of the light (verses 11-14) Live as children of the light. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness. What this has to do with the Spirit: Galatians 5:25…

Producing The Spirit’s Fruit

05 – Spirit of Truth – Producing the Spirit’s fruit The danger of chasing our natural desires Does grace mean we can do whatever we wanted to? … And just ask God to forgive us? So far … converting … indwelling … prodding The Fruit the Spirit brings a) A process that normally takes time. b) A reflection of how healthy that…

Did He Really Rise? Part 2 – The Only Plausible Response

Would you willingly die for something you know to be a lie? From last week 5 almost universally accepted facts about the supposed resurrection of Jesus 1)    Jesus died by crucifixion 2)    Jesus disciples believed that he rose and appeared to them 3)    The church persecutor Paul was suddenly changed 4)    The sceptic James, brother of Jesus was suddenly changed 5)    The…