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'worldviews' Tagged Posts

Hope For Evangelism In A Secular Age

by Akos Balogh              Christians are often seen as “moral outlaws” in 2019 Australia. We’re now being pressured to leave our ‘bigoted’ views behind, at least out of the public square. And the temptation for Christians is to panic and become alarmist, as if God has forfeited His divine rule over the West.              So how do we live as Christians in…

Why Is The Western World So Badly Polarised? – Part 2

By Akos Balogh 3) A Bad Way Ahead: Deny We’re All Driven By Our ‘gods’              One response is to first deny that people are driven by their underlying beliefs, and then insist that our deep beliefs must play no part in public discussion (for fear of the division it may cause). As author Tim Keller points out: The rules of secular…

Why Is The Western World So Badly Polarised? – Part 1

By Akos Balogh (taken from gospel coalition website) The western world is increasingly polarised. And Australia is no exception. Who can forget the division last year over same-sex marriage? Or the recent outrage over religious freedom (an issue which has now gridlocked the Federal Parliament)? And yet, people on both sides of these debates passionately believe in the ideas of ‘equality’, ‘human-rights’, and ‘freedom’. But shouldn’t believing in these bedrock…

Pleasure- Pain and the Seduction of the church – Part 3

Pain-Pleasure and the Seduction of the Church – Part 3 By David Williams In this series of articles, I have argued that we are living through a radical change in the Western worldview. We are moving from being a guilt-innocence culture to becoming a pain-pleasure culture. Western societies increasingly are making their most fundamental decisions based on what brings us pleasure and…

How the Pleasure pain Worldview attacks Christianity – Part 2

How the Pain-Pleasure Worldview Attacks Christianity – Part 2  By David Williams  In the first article of this series, I suggested that the Western world is moving away from being a guilt-innocence to a pain-pleasure culture. This article explores the ways that guilt-innocence and pain-pleasure worldviews attack Christianity in different ways. The Double Assault Of Culture In 2018, God’s people in Australia are facing…

Introducing the Pleasure- Pain Worldview – Part 1

 Introducing the Pain-Pleasure Worldview – Part 1 by David Williams At St Andrew’s Hall, we train future missionaries to understand and engage cultural worldviews with the gospel. Perhaps the broadest categorisation used by missiologists and anthropologists is to divide human cultures into three predominant worldviews: guilt-innocence, shame-honour and fear-power. Ruth Benedict is credited as the first anthropologist to distinguish guilt-innocence and shame-honour…