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'Series' Tagged Posts (Page 4)

Seven Deadly Sins – Gluttony

Gluttony is perhaps the strangest and least likely of the Seven Deadly Sins; if we had to cull the list to six, it would be the first to go. Food is something that is good and to be enjoyed -who wants to label the Christmas roast the most sinful activity of the year? Furthermore Jesus loved a good banquet; his very first…

Seven Deadly Sins – Pride

If there was to be a prize for the greatest of the ‘Seven Deadly Sins’, then pride would surely win the day. One only has to look inward for a moment to discover it alive and well, thirsting for another opportunity to self-glorify. It is the master of disguise, with any number of faces, that sneaks up when you are least expecting…

Seven Deadly Sins – Envy

Of the Seven Deadly Sins, it is envy that is the most widely condemned by society. Lust, gluttony and slothfulness all have an appeal in the moment, anger also allows for a release of pent up frustration and pride means that you are feeling good about yourself. It’s easy for us to see why people fall into those sins; they promise fulfilment…

Seven Deadly Sins – Lust

On a recent camp for high-school kids we did a seminar for boys on pornography. At the beginning we ran an anonymous survey; the first question was ‘have you ever seen pornography?’ The results came in – 100% had. The second question in the survey was, ‘have you ever actively searched for pornography?’ This time the result was slightly less – 98%.…

Seven Deadly Sins – Greed

Greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right, greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind. This line from the 1987 film Wall Street aptly characterises our society’s attitude towards greed.…

Seven Deadly Sins – Introduction

Over the next seven weeks we will be looking at the ‘Seven Deadly Sins’: Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Anger, Pride and Slothfulness, exploring their relevance in today’s society and for our lives. For most of us though, the concept of the Seven Deadly Sins seems old and out-dated, something to be caricatured and laughed at or used as a marketing tool to…

Yearning for the Spiritual – The Presence of God

So much of today’s “Christian spirituality” is mystical in essence and whilst we do not have the time to delve into this in detail the Christian mystic’s ‘search for the spiritual’ often contradicts what the Bible says true spirituality is all about. Let me give you just one example. Brother Lawrence the author of “The practice of the presence of God” says…