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'culture war' Tagged Posts

How can Christians go beyond the ‘Culture War’ – Part 2

How Christians Can Go Beyond The ‘Culture War’ – Part 2 Step 2: Resonate Understand the underlying desires that make them hold their view Once you’ve understood their position, you’re now ready for the next step: resonating with their viewpoint. The gospel doesn’t just challenge a culture, it also connects with it: Resonating means feeling the God-given ‘existential cry’ behind the other person’s position –…

How Christians can go beyond the ‘Culture War’ – Part 1

How Christians Can Go Beyond The ‘Culture War’ – Part 1 Many Christians feel we’re losing the ‘culture war’. From SSM to euthanasia, the traditional Christian perspective has lost ground in much of mainstream society. We’re a minority. And yet, I want to suggest that far from getting down about the marginalisation of Christianity, we should look to the opportunities that minority status brings. Now…