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Give The Right Answers

There are some superb advertisements on T.V. Some are memorable. The one about the Automatic Teller Machine, Sultana Bran and “sorry, I’m having a lamb roast at home” stand out for me.

The recent one by Big Pond – “give your kids the right answers”, is humorous but ever so sad. Do you remember it, with the grade 1 boy about to tell his class that the Great Wall of China was built by Emperor Nasigoring to keep the rabbits out? With all the innocence of childhood he is about to be embarrassed in front of his peers because his dad made up an answer while they were driving to school.

We instinctively feel for the little guy even though we know it’s only an advert because we’ve been in a similarly embarrassing position. The point of the advert, dads shouldn’t knowingly, by giving wrong information, put their kids in that position.

God would want us to become His children so that we could enjoy Him as our Heavenly Father. He doesn’t ever want us to be embarrassed through ignorance. He wants His kids to have the right answers to life’s important questions.

The printed form of the advertisement runs “give your kids the right answers.” And then in the small print, “with the world’s greatest library on hand 24 hours a day, you’ll always know where to look for the right answers.” ‘Library’ is the English translation of ‘biblos’ where we get the name for the Bible, which is a library of 66 books given to us by God, to answer all the important questions of life.

“What did you do with Jesus?” will be a question we all will have to answer one day. God, wanting to spare us the embarrassment of ignoring or rejecting Him, has told us what the correct answer is, in advance.

God’s library is available 24 hours a day, and is heaps cheaper and far more important than the World Wide Web. Described as “God’s love letter to human kind”, its purpose is to enable us to become His sons and daughters, who enjoy an increasingly intimate friendship with Him from the moment we embrace His Son as our Saviour.

It’s a great deal. It’s a big deal. Everything of value for life now and forever hangs on knowing the right answer.