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Excuses Won’t Work

I heard a story recently about a fellow who was caught doing 110km in a 100km zone. The policeman came to the car and politely asked to see his driver’s license. The driver said “certainly officer, it’s in the glove box, but I want you to know that I’ve got a loaded revolver in the glove box! And by the way, there is a considerable quantity of drugs in the boot.” “Sir, would you please step out of the car and put your hands in the air” replied the Sergeant who at the same time called for backup support. The support arrived quickly and the Area Commander, after searching the car, said to the man “we can’t find any trace of drugs and there’s no revolver in the glove box.” The man replied “I suppose you’re going to believe the other story he told about me driving 110 in the 100 km zone!”

Some people are very good at making excuses. The temptation is always there to try to avoid responsibilities. A good story (which we sometimes admire) doesn’t make a wrong action right.

I wonder why we do it? Indeed we can become skilled at story telling which is designed to get us off the hook. I guess it has to do with not wanting to be caught out, with not wanting to take the rap for our own actions. Which of course is bad for us and bad for others. It is bad for us because we never learn to take responsibility for changing our ways. Others need to watch out if I’m always looking for ways of shifting the blame.

Imagine you could get a bird’s eye view of all humanity – not just our words and actions but into our hearts! It would not be a pretty picture. Indeed it would not be real flash for anyone of us. Ever since Adam and Eve rebelled against our gracious Creator the excuse and blame game has been played out and practiced.

This is why God’s grace offered through His Son is such good news. We can blame others all our life but ultimately God, who knows everything about us, will catch up with us. Rather than catch us out at the end God invites us to own up now. There is great joy and freedom in finding pardon from Him and strength to begin the journey of life afresh by responsibly seeking to live His way. The way not to be caught out in the end is to respond to the story of God’s grace through Jesus Christ.