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Responding to Sex Abuse in the Church

The workers at the City Bible Forum in Adelaide did some thinking about how we could better engage talk in our community regarding the tragic abuse that has happened in churches over many years. After all we are told to make the most of every opportunity (Col 4:5-6, 1 Peter 3:15). I presume that might also include the “bad” opportunities.

On Thursday last week I was yarning to a bloke as I was getting him to fix something of mine. Once he knew I was a Christian minister our conversation quickly turned to the abuse in the Catholic system (he had been bought up in a Catholic school and did not have good memories). We had a great conversation and my bet is that whilst he had been hurt by his experience of Catholic schools he was still open to searching and listening. I will certainly go back to see him and pray that God will continue our conversations.

Here is some of the thinking the City Bible Forum did to help us respond helpfully as followers of Jesus to this topic when is it raised in society (work place, social, sports and family). You can find it at

  1. Say sorry. Like it or not you are a representative of Christ and his people (2 Cor. 5:20).
    It’s therefore good to say sorry and show your own genuine hurt and disgust for this tragedy.
  2. Admit Christians are still sinful, everyone is (1 John 1:8).
    Those who follow Jesus are offered forgiveness and their lives are in a process of being cleaned up, but this won’t be complete until Jesus returns. This makes for a messy world sometimes.
  3. God loves justice (Ps. 45:6, 50:6).
    In fact God is the perfect judge who can weigh up all the facts because is nothing can be hidden from him. Therefore it is right to bring perpetrators to justice and for the sake of the victims. God himself will bring ultimate justice at the end, and it will account for everything.
  4. Jesus says that there will be wolves in sheep’s clothing (people who pretend to be God’s followers but aren’t, Matt. 7:15-16).
    Churches as well as other institutions with children are known to be targeted by paedophiles. Jesus gives a strong warning for those who might lead children away from God (Matt 18:5-7). It’s better for them to be drowned with a large stone around their necks.
  5. Don’t give up on the Christian Church.
    Yes it’s full of people who aren’t perfect. Sometimes they stuff up, sometimes evil people come in to take advantage of people. But overall throughout history the overwhelming evidence points to the Church making a significant impact for the good of society.
    It’s a community that wants others to know a loving, generous, forgiving and just God. e.g.: Hospitals, Schools, charities, abolition of slaves have all been championed by Christians.