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Powerful Words We Can Use

Words, we all use them.

They have a wonderful potential for good and an awesome power for hurting. I came across this short course in human relationships that is applicable to us all in every dealing we have with others.

  • The 6 most important words: “I admit I made a mistake
  • The 5 most important words: “You did a good job
  • The 4 most important words: “What is your opinion?
  • The 3 most important words: “If you please
  • The 2 most important words: “Thank you
  • The 1 most important word:   “We
  • The least important word:       “I

Self-centredness is the greatest barrier to meaningful life. The statements above focus our attention away from ourselves on to the other person. Consideration is the key to understanding our spouse, our children, our friends. It helps us to get into their shoes so to speak. Those of us who are parents will be only too aware of how our children copy the words and the way we speak. Sometimes it is devastating to hear angry words between our children and then realize that they sound just like us. Listening is very important. We have two ears and only one mouth!

How do we cultivate thoughtful, considerate patterns of speech and conduct? At one level we ought to be very careful of the TV programs we allow our children to watch. The way people speak to one another is very often designed as ‘put downs’. At another level we can watch our words and cultivate a thoughtful pattern. Practise makes permanent.

Behind all of this is the Spirit of the living God who will come into a person’s life when they admit their self-centredness to God. Remember sin as a capital I, where I put myself before both God and others. Once repented of and with a living trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, we will find that gradually we will be greatly helped to cultivate considerate patterns of speaking.