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Newsletter Articles (Page 3)

Articles from our weekly newsletter

Why Christians Should Not Be Optimists – Part 2

By Akos Balough 2) Christians Are Called to Have ‘Hope’ Eternal hope, as opposed to worldly hope. McKay and many others are right to look at this world, and realistically examine what’s wrong with it. But the Bible doesn’t just leave us with a picture of reality.  It also promises that things will turn out for the best – just not in this…

Why Christians Should Not Be Optimists – Part 1

By Akos Balough (from Gospel Coalition website) I’ve noticed people aren’t as optimistic about the future these days. In our post 9-11, post-GFC, post-Trump era, people are increasingly anxious. Optimism no longer abounds – at least not like it used to. Australian social researcher Hugh McKay has recently written about this in his book Australia Reimagined: Towards a More Compassionate, Less Anxious Australia. He details the challenges facing…

A Real ‘Yes’ Could Change Your Life

 Glenn Hohnberg (The Gospel Coalition website)              A real ‘yes’ could change your life. Jesus said, ‘But let your word ‘yes’ be ‘yes,’ and your ‘no’ be ‘no.’ Anything more than this is from the evil one.’ (Matthew 5:37) In the last year, I’ve been thinking how letting our yes be yes and our no be no could transform our lives.              Jesus…

Why Is The Western World So Badly Polarised? – Part 2

By Akos Balogh 3) A Bad Way Ahead: Deny We’re All Driven By Our ‘gods’              One response is to first deny that people are driven by their underlying beliefs, and then insist that our deep beliefs must play no part in public discussion (for fear of the division it may cause). As author Tim Keller points out: The rules of secular…

Why Is The Western World So Badly Polarised? – Part 1

By Akos Balogh (taken from gospel coalition website) The western world is increasingly polarised. And Australia is no exception. Who can forget the division last year over same-sex marriage? Or the recent outrage over religious freedom (an issue which has now gridlocked the Federal Parliament)? And yet, people on both sides of these debates passionately believe in the ideas of ‘equality’, ‘human-rights’, and ‘freedom’. But shouldn’t believing in these bedrock…

William Tyndale and Scripture Alone

In our summer sermon series we are going to look at 5 truths that matter. When people take their eyes off God’s word and begin to establish ‘manmade religion’ the truths of God’s word are quickly lost.  Today we are looking at the truth, “Scripture alone”.  As we do this we are also going to have the opportunity to find out about…

Thomas Cranmer and Christ Alone

In our summer sermon series we are going to look at 5 truths that matter. When people take their eyes off God’s word and begin to establish ‘manmade religion’ the truths of God’s word are quickly lost.  Today we are looking at the truth, “Christ alone”.  As we do this we are also going to have the opportunity to find out about…

Martin Luther and Faith alone (1483—1546)

In our summer sermon series we are going to look at 5 truths that matter. When people take their eyes off God’s word and begin to establish ‘manmade religion’ the truths of God’s word are quickly lost.  Today we begin by looking at the truth, “Grace alone”.  As we do this we are also going to have the opportunity to find out…

John Calvin and Grace Alone

In our summer sermon series we are going to look at 5 truths that matter. When people take their eyes off God’s word and begin to establish ‘manmade religion’ the truths of God’s word are quickly lost.  Today we begin by looking at the truth, “Grace alone”.  As we do this we are also going to have the opportunity to find out…

Freedom and The Politics of Outrage – Part 2

Religious Freedom and The Politics of Outrage – Part 2 By Akos Balogh (taken from Gospel coalition website) (Part 1 of this article appeared in our newsletter on 23rd Dec and can be accessed off our website) 5)  No doubt the SMH reporting has impacted relationships between members of the Christian and gay communities. Sadly there’s always been tension and mistrust. But…