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Newsletter Articles (Page 10)

Articles from our weekly newsletter

A good reason for Evil – part 1

A Good Reason for Evil – Part 1 This is a transcript of a commentary from the radio show “Stand to Reason,” with Gregory Koukl. It is made available to you at no charge through the faithful giving of those who support Stand to Reason. Reproduction permitted for non-commercial use only. ©1997 Gregory Koukl What is evil? Could it have a purpose?…

Against the Charge of Homophobia – Part 2

Adapted from an article Peter Jensen wrote for GAFCON Last week we looked at the accusation of ‘homophobia’ that seems to put many Christians off speaking on the topic. The recent Global South/GAFCON Primates Statement (see reference from last week) was a model of Christian speech. First of all, it is a model because of its courage. It was written and published…

Against the Charge of Homophobia – Part 1

Adapted from an article Peter Jensen wrote for GAFCON It’s a pretty heavy thing to be accused of homophobia. The word is not an intellectual judgement but a more damning moral one. There have always been examples of unkind attitudes, bullying and discrimination towards people who appear to be, or who identify as, homosexual, just as there has always been racism, snobbery…

Our Down to Earth God

“I really like that person – (s)he is so down-to-earth!” Such a compliment reflects our desire for people to be humble, not haughty; to be interested in ordinary people and to be genuine. To be described as a ‘down-to-earth’ person is high praise, since it describes a highly valued character trait. Christmas is about the down-to-earth God. When Jesus was born of…

Habits of Happiness

From an article by Peter Brain On October 22, 1976, Clyde Kilby, who is now with Christ in Heaven, gave an unforgettable lecture. I went to hear him that night because I loved him. He had been one of my professors in English Literature at Wheaton College. He opened my eyes to more of life than I knew could be seen. O,…

The Spread of Christianophobia

From the Barnabas fund website ( and prayer email. High-level European officials and experts attending an international conference in Vienna last week stated that European governments and the international community were failing to address religious discrimination and the persecution of Christians in Europe and worldwide. In his opening keynote speech to the conference, EU Special Envoy for Religious Freedom, Ján Figel’, observed…

Speaking to God, Does it Work?

A number of years ago I watched a TV show the claim that ‘prayer does not work’. A uni study supposedly showed that it makes no difference and yet this supposed ‘study’ is inconsistent with many previous studies into the reality of prayer. Reflecting the bias of the TV editor the part of the program I watched did not speak to people…

Delighting in Difference – Part 2

Adapted from an article written by Mike Allen ( So why is the denial of our differences hard to live by? Take, for example, the current debate about equal pay for equal work. Who would argue against men and women being paid the same for the same work? But there are hard cases. For example, since 2007, males and females have been paid…

Delighting in Difference – Part 1

Adapted from an article written by Mike Allen ( A recent viral video filmed on the campus of Washington University by the Family Policy Institute of Washington features a five-foot-nine inch white male asking others how they would respond to (what turns out to be) his increasingly ridiculous claims. Early on, he asks how they might respond if he told them that he…

Using the Bible to Reason with Unbelievers – Part 2

Adapted from an article written by Hannah Ploegstra ( Last week, we started to deal with the conundrum of how we use the Bible to reason with unbelievers when, on the one hand, they don’t recognize it as a valid source, while, on the other hand, it actually is the source, whether they recognize it or not. Let’s continue to see how the…