As a church, we think it’s important to be clear about what we believe. Our beliefs directly influence the way we do church, and the way we live our lives. They include:
- The Holy Scriptures as originally given are divinely inspired and infallible. As the Word of God, the Bible holds supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
- God is triune – Father, Son and Holy Spirit unified in the Godhead.
- Humanity is universally sinful and guilty before God since the Fall, rendering men and women subject to God’s wrath and condemnation.
- Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit and hence given birth by the Virgin Mary.
- Redemption from the guilt, penalty and power of sin comes only through the sacrificial death, as our representative and substitute, of Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God.
- Jesus Christ rose bodily from the dead.
- The work of the Holy Spirit is necessary to make the death of Christ effective in the individual sinner, granting him or her repentance towards God, and faith in Jesus Christ.
- The Holy Spirit indwells and sanctifies the Christian believer.
- The Lord Jesus Christ will personally return one day.
This list is necessarily brief; if you’d like to find out more about anything in particular, please let us know.