Acts so far
– Telling others about Jesus
– The church is growing
– Under persecution
Show map of where people have run to
A belief we would be prepared to suffer for?
– Jesus has risen and he is the Son of God
Is it True?
“no absolute truth”
– self contradictory
– different types of statements concerning truth.
o Cheese Truth and Truck truth
1) They told others
Acts 11:20.
2) It transformed them
Acts 11:29
Do not misunderstand!
You do not DO things to earn a spot in heaven
Jesus has already DONE all that is necessary
In the reading today
Firstly, people are converted
Secondly, they tell others about the good news that can be theirs also.
Thirdly, they are transformed in how they live.
Us today
1) Responding to truth
The Truth about Jesus is TRUCK truth.
2) Telling others
Are you telling others about it?
3) Being transformed
James 1:22, “do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves, do what it says”
How are you letting Jesus transform you?