Sermons are published below. If you’d like to know what’s going on at church, you can view our upcoming events.
1. The uncertainty of riches v1-7 2. The sovereign authority of God v8-14 3. The promise of restoration v 15-18 Conclusion
Do I need some new glasses? Mistake 1: Rejoice now, ignore the future v1-8a Mistake 2: I did this, not Him! v8b-11 Mistake 3: Feasting when I should be Repenting v12-14 Mistake 4: Seeking the Wrong Glory v15-19 We Need Immanuel
A terrible job 1) The butt naked prophet of Judgment 2) Trust in Egypt is misplaced Is 19:1, 19:2, 19:3-4, 19: 5-10, 19:11-15 What about us? 3) God’s Salvation Isaiah 19:16 … “In that Day” Isaiah 19:19-22 a) Egyptians will shudder before God’s judgement – v 16-17 b) Cities in Egypt will follow YHWH – v 18 c) People in Egypt will…
Setting the scene – Isaiah 1-5 – the threat of God’s judgement on Judah – Isaiah 6-12 – he promises to rescue them The greatness of human achievement Isaiah 2:22,” stop trusting in man who has but breathe in his nostrils. Of what account is he” Isaiah 8:12 – “the LORD almighty is the one you are to regard as Holy, he…
Where is God? Questions 1) It is all slightly overwhelming. How are we supposed to grow ourselves and our children in the Christian faith and still witness or share with others? If I am still learning and growing how can I be confident in getting the correct message across? 2) Is suffering apart from ‘for your faith’, for example illness, medical problems…
Attributes of God Firstly – Only one God and that he is all powerful Secondly, God is all good Thirdly, God is all wise Wrong solutions that ‘Christians’ have resorted to … he does not know the future … God not all powerful … it is our free will to choose What does the Bible say … 1) There is no pain…
It sounds too good to be true! Ephesians 2:8-9 – “For it is by Grace you have been saved through faith, this is not of yourselves it is a gift from God, not by works so that no one can boast” The Legalist Answer The License answer The GRACE answer Titus 2:11-13 – “For the grace of God that brings salvation has…
Introduction: What are we saved by God’s grace and mercy for? 1. We were foolish: v3 2. We were saved by God’s mercy: v4-7 3. Believers must devote themselves to good works: v8 For example: v12-14 4. Avoid foolish controversies: v9-11 Conclusion:
Context v1 Doctrine v2 Older men vv3-5 Women – Older/younger vv6-8 Men – Leaders/younger vv9-10 Slaves Further Application
“no one did anything about it” Titus 1:9 “He must hold firmly to the trust worthy message as it has been taught, so he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it” 1) Believe the bible 2) Encourage others with God’s word 3) Refute and oppose false teaching The impact of false teaching Titus 1: 11, “They must…